HI every body in my website  www.smcfsa.co.vu
all people ask whats the chemistry??
the anwer for this question is one books which give you one of best inrodition for chemistry , the name of rhis book is  Introductory Chemistry  and is available for download here

this book Introductory Chemistry contain :

  1. Introduction
  2. Standard Measurements 
  3. Distinctions and Classifications of Matter
  4.  Chemical Bonding
  5.  Chemical reactions 
  6. Proprieties of gases 
  7. chemistry of solutions
  8. thermo chemistry
  9. the chemistry of water ACID AND BASE
  10. electrochemical
  11. nuclear chemistry 
  12. Basic organic chemestry 
  13. Complex organic molecules
  14. Basic biological chemistry 
and no lets go to download this book  Introductory Chemistry 
                                                                      download here